Components of the 19 critical subsytems of a cell

[note: based on science as per 1979]
Subsystems which process both matter-energy and information

Reproducer: chromosomes and chromatin in nucleus; ribosome, mitochondrion, kinetosome, chloroplast;
centrosome, aster, centriole, and spindle in cytoplasm
Boundary: for matter-energy, cell membrane plus cell wall or other protective structures;
for information, cell membrane including specialized areas at synapse and neuromyal junction

Subsystems which process matter-energy

Ingestor: cell membrane as a whole or specialized regions such as peristome, cytostome, gullet;
tentacles to hold food and cilia to sweep it in
Distributor: endoplasmic reticulum, sarcoplasmic reticulum of muscle cells;
ground substance, including axoplasm of neurons; microtubules, microfilaments
Converter: enzymes such as those in mitochondrion, cell membrane, chloroplast, nucleus, or lysosome;
vacuoles which carry out phagocytosis or pinocytosis
Producer: chlorophyll, chloroplast; enzymes such as those in mitochondrion;
Golgi apparatus; nucleic acids of nucleus and ribosome
Matter-energy storage: Phosphorylated organic compounds (e.g. ATP, creatine phosphate, and argenine phosphate of muscle cells); starch or glycogen granule; glucose, fructose, lactose; lipochondrion; lipid, including fat droplet; some protein; secretory granule
Extruder: region of cell membrane capable of matter-energy transport out of cell, including anal pore or cytoproct and vacuole of protozoan; excretory canal of some glandular cells; possibly sarcoplasmic reticulum
Motor: cytoplasm, the microtubules and microfilaments of which enable it to move, as in a pseudopodium;
cilium; flagellum; myofibril
Supporter: microtubules, microfilaments; myofibrils of muscle cells; cell walls of plant cells; cell membrane; wall of cysts

[note: structures that associate cells with each other are not mentioned here]

Subsystems which process information
[Can you see the parallel with subsystems that process energy-matter?]

Input transducer [sensor]: cell membrane; particularly specialized receptor sites of cell membrane, including subsynaptic region of neurons, muscle fibers, glandular cells; light-sensitive pigments, cilia, other specialized parts of receptor cells
Internal transducer: enzymes and repressor molecules
Channel and Net: endoplasmic reticulum, sarcoplasmic reticulum of muscle cells;
ground substance, including axoplasm of neurons; microtubules, microfilaments;
cell membrane, transverse system of muscle cells, nuclear membrane
Decoder: molecular binding sites, such as the operator, a ribosomal molecule, or subsynaptic membrane;
parts of cell membrane, such as postsynaptic membrane or membrane of initial segment of axon
Associator: unknown [question: can a plant-cell learn? Answer: why not? A plant as a whole displays remarkably sophisticated behaviour in the defense against hostile insects; it can secrete specific substances that deter such insects. This may apply more to the plant as an organism than an individual plant cell. Nice research project for biologists.]
Memory: unknown
[note: it seems likely that cells have some memory system; certainly organs seem to carry the impressions of the habits of the person to whom' s body the organ belongs. This is sometimes noticeable in cases of organ transplants! Unexpected changes in habits may occur in the person receiving the donor-organ. Such cases are certainly known and published in at least one book I know. ]
Decider: regulator genes and operon, including structural genes, and perhaps architectural and temporal genes in nucleus; possibly operator, promotor, activator RNA, repressor sites, replicon, initiator, replicator, effector or modifier or modulator components; cytoplasmic DNA; parts of cell membrane, as of axon hillock, initial segment of axon, first node of Ranvier, other specialized cell membrane sites of neurons; other components.
[note: timer structures are not mentioned here]
Encoder: components producing alpha-coded antigenic proteins, hormones, and other molecules output as signals by cells; component producing transmitter substance output by neurons, perhaps mitochondrion or synaptic vesicle; part of electroplaque cell that produces electric pulses; part of cell membrane that determines axon pulses, perhaps near initial segment of axon
Output transducer: cell membrane; presynaptic membrane and neuromyal junction; prejunctional region of neuron; synaptic vesicle